Discover why everyone loves
playing the long game

Name your goal

Set a savings target for yourself for 3 months or more (it goes faster than you think!)

Set and forget

Set up automatic transfers to start growing without knowing.

Watch it grow

Targeted returns of 6.75% p.a., compounded quarterly.

How much could I grow?

Use our quick calculator to see what growing with Blossom could look like.

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Important info about this calculator

Get growing in just minutes.
Set up your account now.

Create an account


Get registered

Just a few details for you to get set up.


Fund your account

Minimum transfer of $5,000 will get you going.


Start earning!

Targeted returns of 6.75% p.a.,
compounded quarterly.

I use Blossom as it provides an alternative way to achieve a consistent targeted return on my savings.


Passive investor

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